back up CentOS using the "dd" command
back up CentOS using the "dd" command
Backup to a Disk Image
how to create an image to an external drive
Using the Gnome Disks Utility
1. Run the Gnome Disks utility from the Ubuntu programs menu - WRITE DISKS
- Select the external drive or disk, and then choose “Create Disk image…”.
- Create a file name for the image, choose the folder to store the image, and then press the “Start Creating…” button to begin the process.
- Wait for the process to finish. It could take a couple of hours to finish.
Using the Terminal
To backup to a compressed image using a terminal, simply run the following command:
sudo sh -c "dd if=/dev/sda status=progress | xz -c > /media/cupc/image.img.xz"
Replace /media/cupc/image.img.xz
with the location where you wish to store your disk image.
It may take a couple of hours to complete.
Restore from a Disk Image
Using the Gnome Disks Utility
1.Run the Gnome Disks utility from the Ubuntu programs menu.
- Select the 120GB Disk, and then choose “Restore Disk image…”.
- Browse to the location of the image file.
- Press the “Start Restoring…” button.
- Confirm by pressing the “Restore” button.
Using the Terminal
To restore from a compressed image in a terminal, simply run the following command:
sudo sh -c "xz -d -c /media/cupc/image.img.xz | dd of=/dev/sda status=progress"
Replace /media/cupc/image.img.xz
with the location of your compressed disk image.
It may take a couple of hours to complete.
back up CentOS using the "dd" command
back up CentOS using the "dd" command
Is cloning the entire disk and of=/dev/sdd1
Is writing to a partition. Which doesn't make much sense.
You may want to clone the entire disk onto another disk
dd if=/dev/sda conv=sync,noerror status=progress bs=64k of=/dev/sdd
Or yet clone to a compressed image
dd if=/dev/sda | gzip > /sda.img.gz
And restore like so
gzip -d /sda.img.gz | dd of=/dev/sda
to create the image. There where four partitions in my sda
* EFI system
* Microsoft reserved
* mircosoft basic dat
* Windows recovery environment
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Awaria systemu P1 w NFZ
NFZ informuje ze w dniu 04 maja 2023 występują chwilowe trudności z wysyłaniem i odbieraniem e-skierowań. Awarii uległ system P1.
Awaria trwa od rana!
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Przepraszamy za utrudnienia."
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