Configure RDS Collections Using PowerShell
Create a new collection
Open a PowerShell prompt from the taskbar or Start menu, and then use the New-RDSessionCollection cmdlet to create a new collection.
In the example below, I’ve given the collection a name, a description, and specified the RDS Session Host and Connection Broker servers using their fully qualified domain names (FQDNs)
New-RDSessionCollection –CollectionName MultiTS –SessionHost –CollectionDescription ‘TS’ –ConnectionBroker
To verify the creation of the new collection,
use the Get-RDSessionCollection cmdlet, replacing with the name of your RDS Connection Broker. Get-RDSessionCollection –ConnectionBroker
To remove a collection from an RDS Connection Broker,
use the Remove-RDSessionCollection cmdlet as shown here, again replacing the values for -CollectionName and -ConnectionBroker as needed for your environment.
Remove-RDRemoteApp -Alias TS02 -CollectionName PetriRemoteApps -ConnectionBroker
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