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piątek, 28 luty 2025 03:00

Podniesienie wersji CentOS 6.5 do 7.0

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Procedura podniesienia wersji CentOS 6.5 do wersji 7.0

Zaczynamy od instalacji Redhat upgrade tool:

Dodajemy nowe repozytorium ponieważ redhat-upgrade-tool nie jest dostępny w standardowych repozytoriach.

# vi /etc/yum.repos.d/upgrade.repo

Dodajemy poniższy wpis:

[upgrade] name=upgrade baseurl=



Drugi etap instalujemy poniższe paczki

# yum -y install preupgrade-assistant-contents redhat-upgrade-tool preupgrade-assistant

Wpisujemy komendę preupg aby zdiagnozować ewentualne problemy które pojawią się podczas aktualizacji

# preupg

lub możemy wpisać komendę która pokaże błędy

# preupg --riskcheck --verbose

 Importujemy potrzebny klucz GPG:

# rpm --import

Pobieramy paczki do zainicjowania aktualizacji:

# centos-upgrade-tool-cli --network 7 --instrepo=

Jeśli w tym miejscu natrafimy na problemy wymuśmy siłowe zaciągniecie:

# centos-upgrade-tool-cli --network 7 --force --instrepo=

rpm transaction 100%

setting up system for upgrade Finished. Reboot to start upgrade.

Na koneic wykonujemy reboot systemu podczas startu następuje aktualizacja.



Jeżeli podczas wykonywania testów poleceniem preupg pokażą się błędy może to oznaczać, że wykonanie upgradu jest praktycznie  niemożliwe.

Błędy znalezione podczas instalacji które uniemożliwiają upgrade:

preupgrade-assistant risk check found EXTREME risks for this upgrade.
Run preupg --riskcheck --verbose to view these risks.
Continuing with this upgrade is not recommended.

preupg --riskcheck --verbose
INPLACERISK: EXTREME: You have GNOME Desktop Environment session as an option in
 your X11 session manager. GNOME Desktop Environment as a part of the yum group
'Desktop' underwent serious redesign in its user interface as well as underlying
 technologies in CentOS 7.
INPLACERISK: HIGH: We detected some non-CentOS signed packages, you can find the
 list in /root/preupgrade/./kickstart/noncentospkgs. You need to handle them you
INPLACERISK: HIGH: Package php-tidy  (required by NonCentOS signed package(s):ph
p-tcpdf ) removed between CentOS 6 and CentOS 7
INPLACERISK: HIGH: After upgrading to CentOS 7 there are still some el6 packages
 left. Add --cleanup-post option to redhat-upgrade-tool if you want to remove th
em automatically.
INPLACERISK: HIGH: There were changes in SELinux policies between CentOS 6 and C
entOS 7. Please, check solution in order to resolve this issue.
INPLACERISK: HIGH: Library avahi (required by NonCentOS signed package(s):nss-md
ns nss-mdns ) changed soname between CentOS 6 and CentOS 7
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service blk-availability on CentOS 7 is disabled by defau
lt. Enable them via commands: systemctl enable blk-availability && systemctl sta
rt blk-availability.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service dovecot on CentOS 7 is disabled by default. Enabl
e them via commands: systemctl enable dovecot && systemctl start dovecot.service
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service haldaemon on CentOS 7 is disabled by default. Ena
ble them via commands: systemctl enable haldaemon && systemctl start haldaemon.s
ervice .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service httpd on CentOS 7 is disabled by default. Enable
them via commands: systemctl enable httpd && systemctl start httpd.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service iscsi on CentOS 7 is disabled by default. Enable
them via commands: systemctl enable iscsi && systemctl start iscsi.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service iscsid on CentOS 7 is disabled by default. Enable
 them via commands: systemctl enable iscsid && systemctl start iscsid.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service messagebus on CentOS 7 is disabled by default. En
able them via commands: systemctl enable messagebus && systemctl start messagebu
s.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service mysqld on CentOS 7 is disabled by default. Enable
 them via commands: systemctl enable mysqld && systemctl start mysqld.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service netfs on CentOS 7 is disabled by default. Enable
them via commands: systemctl enable netfs && systemctl start netfs.service .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service network on CentOS 7 is disabled by default. Enabl
e them via commands: systemctl enable network && systemctl start network.service
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service postfix on CentOS 7 is disabled by default. Enabl
e them via commands: systemctl enable postfix && systemctl start postfix.service
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service saslauthd on CentOS 7 is disabled by default. Ena
ble them via commands: systemctl enable saslauthd && systemctl start saslauthd.s
ervice .
INPLACERISK: HIGH: The service udev-post on CentOS 7 is disabled by default. Ena
ble them via commands: systemctl enable udev-post && systemctl start udev-post.s
ervice .
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: We detected some packages installed on the system were remo
ved (obsoleted) between CentOS 6 and CentOS 7. This may break the functionality
of the packages depending on them.
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: We detected some packages installed on the system were remo
ved between CentOS 6 and CentOS 7. This may break the functionality of the packa
ges depending on them.
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: Package NetworkManager-gnome not provided by its replacemen
t nm-connection-editor,network-manager-applet. In-place upgrade might not work p
roperly, will be finished by postupgrade script!
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: Package coreutils-libs not provided by its replacement core
utils. In-place upgrade might not work properly, will be finished by postupgrade
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: Package xorg-x11-drv-ast not provided by its replacement xo
rg-x11-drv-modesetting. In-place upgrade might not work properly, will be finish
ed by postupgrade script!
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: Package libudev not provided by its replacement systemd-lib
s. In-place upgrade might not work properly, will be finished by postupgrade scr
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: Package xorg-x11-drv-mga not provided by its replacement xo
rg-x11-drv-modesetting. In-place upgrade might not work properly, will be finish
ed by postupgrade script!
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: Package libudev not provided by its replacement systemd-lib
s. In-place upgrade might not work properly, will be finished by postupgrade scr
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: Package xorg-x11-drv-cirrus not provided by its replacement
 xorg-x11-drv-modesetting. In-place upgrade might not work properly, will be fin
ished by postupgrade script!
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: having one of [mesa-private-llvm libxcb mesa-private-llvm n
spr mesa-libEGL systemtap device-mapper-multipath-libs redhat-menus nss-tools xo
rg-x11-drv-synaptics elfutils-libelf mesa-dri-drivers pixman nss-util xorg-x11-d
rv-qxl elfutils-libs libdrm mesa-libGLU systemtap-runtime nss-util gtk2 openldap
 device-mapper-multipath nss openldap elfutils-libelf xkeyboard-config ca-certif
icates audit-libs elfutils mesa-libGL glx-utils mesa-libGLU xorg-x11-server-Xorg
 kpartx libxcb xorg-x11-glamor xorg-x11-drv-ati xorg-x11-drv-intel audit xorg-x1
1-drv-v4l mesa-dri-drivers mesa-libGL xorg-x11-server-common libX11 libdrm xorg-
x11-drv-vesa xorg-x11-drv-modesetting mesa-libgbm systemtap-client pixman libpci
access nss-sysinit tzdata libX11-common openscap mdadm libpciaccess nspr systemt
ap-devel nss libX11] package installed breaks upgrade
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: a number of default configuation settings have changed in C
entOS7. Users should verify that their devices are still optimally configured
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM:  We detected some soname bumps in the libraries installed o
n the system. This may break the functionality of some of your 3rd party applica
tions. They may need rebuild. Please check their requirements.
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM:  We detected some .so libraries installed on the system wer
e removed between CentOS 6 and CentOS 7. This may break the functionality of som
e of your 3rd party applications.
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: The /etc/pki/java/cacerts /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt
/etc/pki/tls/certs/  CA certificate bundles have been modifie
d and cannot be automatically migrated to the upgraded system.
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: The service webmin is not installed by CentOS signed packag
es and will not be automatically enabled after in-place upgrade.
INPLACERISK: MEDIUM: The service wine is not installed by CentOS signed packages
 and will not be automatically enabled after in-place upgrade.
INPLACERISK: SLIGHT: We detected some files where modifications are not tracked
in the rpms. You may need to check their functionality after successful upgrade.
INPLACERISK: SLIGHT: We detected some files untracked by rpms. Some of these may
 need manual check/migration after redhat-upgrade-tool and/or can cause conflict
s or troubles during the installation. Try to reduce unnecessary untracked files
 before running redhat-upgrade-tool.
INPLACERISK: SLIGHT: We detected some packages installed on the system changed t
heir name between CentOS 6 and CentOS 7. Although they should be compatible, mon
itoring after the update is recommended.
INPLACERISK: SLIGHT: export shell commands will be deleted from /etc/sysconfig/s
INPLACERISK: SLIGHT: Some binaries untracked by RPM were discovered on the syste
m and may need rebuild after upgrade.
INPLACERISK: SLIGHT: Some scripts untracked by RPM were discovered on the system
 and may not work properly after upgrade.
INPLACERISK: SLIGHT: /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/gtk-2.0 is owned by an R
PM package that was not signed by CentOS.
INPLACERISK: SLIGHT: /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/report is not owned by a
ny RPM package.
INPLACERISK: SLIGHT: /usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/reportclient is not owne
d by any RPM package.

Jeżeli masz zainstalowane środowisko GNOME lub KDE aktualizacja może nie działać lub mogą pojawić się problemy. Środowisko GNOME przeszło poważną przebudowę swojego interfejsu oraz wystąpiły zmiany w technologii nowej wersji CentOS
