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niedziela, 23 luty 2025 06:36

Offline Domain Join - Podłączenie offline do domeny

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Offline Domain Join

W skrajnych przypadkach możemy konfigurować nasze komputery bez dostępu do domeny służy do tego podłączenie do domeny offline

Jak to uruchomić?

Uruchamiamy linię poleceń cmd i wpisujemy:
djoin /provision /domain nazwa_domeny.local/machine nazwa_hosta /savefile C:\nazwa_hosta.txt

djoin /provision /domain <domain_name> /machine <destination computer> /savefile <filename.txt> [/machineou <OU name>] [/dcname <name of domain controller>] [/reuse] [/downlevel] [/defpwd] [/nosearch] [/printblob] [/rootcacerts] [/certtemplate <name>] [/policynames <name(s)>] [/policypaths <Path(s)>]

djoin /requestodj /loadfile <filename.txt> /windowspath <path to the Windows directory of the offline image> /localos

W Active Directory Users and Computers w kontenerze Computers pojawi się wygenerowany skrypt, kopiujemy go do katalogu C:\DJOIN.

Po uruchomieniu w nowym oddziale komputera ktokolwiek wydaje polecenie (lub uruchamia skrypt):
djoin /requestodj /loadfile C:\DJOIN\nazwa_hosta.txt /windowspath %SystemRoot% /localos

i restartujemy komputer.





Creates a computer account in AD DS.

/domain <domain name>

Specifies the name of the domain to join.

/machine <destination computer>

Specifies the name of the computer that you want to join to the domain.

/machineou <OU Name>

Specifies the name of the organizational unit (OU) in which you want the computer account to be created. By default, the computer account is created in the Computers container. This parameter is ignored if /reuse is specified.

/dcname <domain controller name>

Specifies the name of a specific domain controller that will create the computer account. If you do not specify a domain controller, the domain controller Locator (DC Locator) process is used to select a domain controller.


Specifies the reuse of any existing computer account. The password for the computer account will be reset.


Supports the use of a domain controller that runs a version of Windows Server that is earlier than Windows Server 2008 R2.

/savefile <filename.txt>

Saves provisioning data to a file.


Uses the default machine account password (not recommended).


Skips account conflict detention. Requires the /DCName parameter.


Return a base64-encoded metadata blob for an answer file.


This parameter is only available on Windows Server 2012.

Optionally include root Certificate Authority certificates.

/certtemplate <Name>

This parameter is only available on Windows Server 2012.

Optional <Name> of machine certificate template. Includes root Certificate Authority certificates.

/policynames <Name(s)>

This parameter is only available on Windows Server 2012.

Optional semicolon-separated list of Group Policy object (GPO) names. Each name is the displayName of the GPO in AD DS.

/policypaths <Path(s)>

This parameter is only available on Windows Server 2012.

Optional semicolon-separated list of policy paths. Each path is a path to a registry.pol file.

GPOs store registry-based configuration settings in registry.pol files. To include registry-based configuration settings in the blob data, specify the path and file name using any of the following formats:

  • /POLICYPATHS c:\tmp\
  • /POLICYPATHS \\server\share\
  • /POLICYPATHS;.\;c:\tmp\;\\server\share\
