How to change the background color in the table
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How to change the background color in the table
Change the background color in the table, eg. In an article joomla execute command style = "background-color".
With this command you can change the background color of the entire table, row, or table cell.
<table style = "background-color: #fefefe;" border = "3" align = "left" bgcolor = "# fefefe">
<tr style = "background-color: white;">
<td style = "background-color: #fff;">
Entry bgcolor does not work! Correct entry - style = "bacgrgorund-color: #fefefe"
You can also make changes to the table using external style sheets in making appropriate pis in the css file.
table {background-color: #fff; }
tr {background-color: white; }
td {background-color: # f1f1f1; }
An entry in the CSS file:
td.tableColor {background-color: red; }
The entry in HTML:
<tr> <td class = "tableColor"> nr1 </ td> <td> nr2 </ td> </ tr>
<tr> <td class = "tableColor"> nr3 </ td> <td> nr4 </ td> </ tr>
</ table>
Copy in the loop
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Copy in the loop
Create a file to copy in the loop as a batch.
Copying from the location c: \ temp1 to the location d: \ temp2
: start
copy c: \ temp1 \ *. * d: \ temp2 \ *. *
goto start
When you run this script file will be copied to the location temp1 to temp2 in the loop. After copying the program starts again copy the same file and overwrites it.
Quick script to the network load.
Error A000000B Motorolla
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Error A000000B Motorolla
When you start the reader MC9090 G get the error "Can not enable scanner" - A000000B
"Error A000000B the enabling scanner. Scanner support has been disabled"
This error is caused by the failure of the laser. If the software can not enable barcode scanner shows the above error.
Solution to check the operation of the scanner.
Cobian Backup
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Cobian Backup is a free, user supported grants program for performing backups for Windows OS. It was written in Delphi by Luis cobia from the University of Umea.
Cobian Backup - a good program to perform data archiving. It allows you to automate the process of backapu with many advanced parameters. The program allows the user to configure the backup schedule, for example, differential backup every night (which will contain the files modified from the previous full backup) and a full backup once a week.