Quick Launch bar in Windows 7.
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Quick Launch bar in Windows 7.
This tool is not removed from Windows 7 or Windows 8 has been switched off and only had the opportunity to replace them attaching items to the start menu.
If you want to re-take the quick launch bar you need to perform the following procedure:
1. Right-click on the taskbar and select Toolbars
2. From the toolbar, select the last item - New Toolbar
3. In the Folder field, which appears on the bottom of the window, type the following line:
%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
4. A new band appears on the left side near the clock.
5. If the taskbar is locked need to unlock it to change the position of the Quick Launch bar.
6. unlocks the taskbar, click on the right mouse button and uncheck lock the taskbar.
7. We catch the quick launch bar and move the mouse cursor to the right side of it.
8. Click the side of the Quick Launch bar to the left or right, and turn off the option Show Text and Show Title
9. Click again on the side of the Quick Launch bar and choose View and uncheck small icons.
10. Now we can lock the taskbar.
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Display article on the home page joomla 3.x
Display article on the home page joomla 3.x
By default, Joomla 3.x shows the first page of the full text of the article and subsequent articles displayedin three columns. The fifth article will appearas a linkat the bottom ofthe page.
You canchange the display ofarticles by the Options tabin the menu (Menu -> Main Menu -> Menu Item -> Layout Tab).
Leading Articles - number ofitems is the full width of the window
Intro Articles - number of remaining articles displayed
Columns - how many columns you want to displayother articles
Links - how many subsequent articles on the page will be a link.
If we want to ensure that all articles in Joomla 3.x were one column, select the column option 0.