Windows wchodzi w tryb uśpienia zamiast zamknąć system
Windows wchodzi w tryb uśpienia zamiast zamknąć system.
Aby wyłączyć tryb uśpienia systemu Windows podczas zamykania systemu należy wejść w:
Panel sterowania -> Opcje zasilania
Z lewej strony okna wybieramy Wybierz działanie przycisków zasilania
Odhaczamy Włącz szybkie uruchomienie (zalecane)
Po tej operacji zamknięcie systemu Windows będzie jego wyłączeniem
How to see users' idle time on RDP server
How to see users' idle time on RDP server
Query User / QUSER.exe
Using the quser command, you can view when a user RDP session was started, how long it was idle and the current session state.
QUERY USER [/server:ServerName]
QUERY USER UserName [/server:ServerName]
QUERY USER [SessionName | SessionID] [/server:ServerName]
quser [<username> | <sessionname> | <sessionID>] [/server:<servername>]
Parameter | Description |
<username> |
Specifies the logon name of the user that you want to query. |
<sessionname> |
Specifies the name of the session that you want to query. |
<sessionID> |
Specifies the ID of the session that you want to query. |
/server:<servername> |
Specifies the Remote Desktop Session Host server that you want to query. Otherwise, the current Remote Desktop Session Host server is used. This parameter is only required if you're using this command from a remote server. |
/? | Displays help at the command prompt. |
To use this command, you must have Full Control permission or special access permission.
If you don't specify a user using the <username>, <sessionname>, or sessionID parameters, a list of all users who are logged on to the server is returned. Alternatively, you can also use the query session command to display a list of all sessions on a server.
When quser returns information, a greater than
symbol is displayed before the current session.
Display information about user sessions on a Terminal server or a Remote Desktop Session Host (RD Session Host) server.
Key UserName The logon username of the user whose sessions you want to query. SessionName The name of the session that you want to query. SessionID The ID of the session that you want to query. /server:ServerName The Remote Desktop Session Host server to query. The default is the current server. /? Display help.
QUERY USER is a synonym for QUSER.exe
Available to 64 bit sessions only, there are no 32 bit implementations of QUSER.exe (QUERY USER).
Query User returns the following information:
- The name of the user
- The name of the session on the RD Session Host server
- The session ID
- The state of the session (active or disconnected)
- The idle time (the number of minutes since the last keystroke or mouse movement at the session)
- The date and time the user logged on
If you do not specify a user by using UserName, SessionName, or SessionID, a list of all users who are logged on to the server is returned. Alternatively, use query session to display a list of all sessions on the server. When information for multiple users is returned, a greater than > symbol is displayed before the current session.
A user can always query the session to which the user is currently logged on. To query other sessions, the user must have Query Information special access permission.
The User Access permission type grants the following special permissions: Query Information, Logon, and Connect. These special permissions allow a user to: Log on to a session on the terminal server. Query information about a session. Send messages to other user sessions. Connect to another session.
Permissions are set under:
Terminal Services Configuration ➞ Connections ➞ Properties ➞ Permissions ➞ Advanced ➞ Permissions
When running quser under PowerShell it is useful to split the output into rich objects, this can be done with a regex and ConvertFrom-Csv:
(quser) -replace '\s{2,}', ',' | ConvertFrom-Csv
Alternatively the script Get-LoggedOnUser.ps1 will also show disconnected sessions.
Display information about all users logged on the system:
C:\> query user
Display information about the user ursula on server64:
C:\> quser ursula /server:Server64
MSSQL SERVER – Script to Identify Memory Used By Each Database
MSSQL SERVER – Script to Identify Memory Used By Each Database
-- Memory used by each database SELECT DB_NAME(database_id), COUNT (1) * 8 / 1024 AS MBUsed FROM sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors GROUP BY database_id ORDER BY COUNT (*) * 8 / 1024 DESC GO
Domain Migration
Domain Migration
User Profile Wizard Release 24
User Profile Wizard Release 24 is the latest version of ForensiT's powerful workstation domain migration tool. User Profile Wizard will migrate your current user profile to your new domain, Azure AD, or local, user account so that you can keep all your existing data and settings.
Read our User Profile Wizard Feature Comparison to find out what additional features are available in the Corporate and Professional editions. If you would like to evaluate the Corporate Edition of User Profile Wizard please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Find out more
Download User Profile Wizard R24 Freeware Edition for Windows 10, Windows 11, and Windows 7
Download User Profile Wizard Freeware Edition for Windows XP
Download User Profile Wizard Corporate Edition User Guide
End User License Agreement
User Profile Wizard Freeware Edition is a standalone executable; it does not need to be installed or uninstalled. Download and run the msi file to extract the Profwiz.exe file.