The Best

of the nucleus

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Nucleus is a free content management system written using PHP and MySQL. The main goal is to facilitate Nucleus'a users to run their own blog on the Internet. Of course, the script can also build a more standard part, however, was created primarily to manage blogs. An interesting possibility is to display the contents of various blogs on one page. Nucleus is distributed under the GNU.


Nucleus not have high requirements for the proper functioning requires:
- PHP 4.0.6 (or higher 4.2+ is recommended)
- MySQL 3.23.x or above
- Approximately 2MB of disk space


The story of a man named Nucleus started Demuynck, who is a student, founded his first blog with site. However, it failed to meet its requirements and vision, therefore early 2001 began work on the script, which over time turned into a Nucleus. Initially based on the xml file, and in the summer of the same year Demuynck went to use the database and started building administrator interface.


As mentioned in the introduction Nucleus is a system designed to keep your own blog, split into categories, and even with one version of the script, you can create several blogs and then publish articles, for example, on one page. Nucleus is for people who like to decide on the shape, appearance and functionality of your blog, and do not want to be dependent on commercial blogging services, which is rife with ads.


Nucleus allows you to:
- Division blog categories
- Writing more than one blog
- Making notes for multiple users
- Search and archive articles
- Use bookmarks RSS and Atom
- Leave comments
- IP ban
- Backup your blog
- Easy installation templates and additives
And additionally contains links search engine friendly and WYSIWYG editor (What Sou Se Is What You Get)
