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about Mdpro

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MDPro is a content management system, which is has been translated into at least 16 languages​​, including Polish and language. MDPro is a portal system, which is characterized by ease of installation and configuration, many people say that the code is very clear and easy to read, which is not indifferent to developers. It is worth noting that it is quite firmly connected to the system PostNuke is why most additives and graphic templates works well with him. MDPro is distributed under the GNU / GPL License.


To MDPro run on a server without any problems, it should be equipped with:
- PHP version 4.1.0 or above (not recommended yet PHP5)
- MySQL 3.23 (or higher) or Oracle 8.1 (or higher)
- A minimum of 25 MB of disk space.


The initiator of the project was MDPro Massimiliano Tiraboschi aka Timax, who in 2003 came out with an initiative to build a content management system for e-learning systems, e-commerce and the like. MDPro arose with the cooperation of a sizeable group of users PostNuke. Originally called MD-Pro, only later took its present name, no hyphen.


MDPro is a portal system, which is characterized by ease of use, is designed to create portal pages, with the possibility of integration of the forum readers. MDPro is very powerful, and thanks to the multitude of additives can be with him to build virtually any website.


Therefore, it is related to the ability to install PostNuke'iem additives for it, thus significantly extends its capabilities. Install can include:
- Management system comments
- Management of users
- Integrated forum
- galleries
- System of news
- Guestbook
- Advanced statistics.
Just like modern CMS has an advanced WYSIWYG editor that allows to edit content without knowing HTML coding.
