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RDCMan manages multiple remote desktop connections

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RDCMan manages multiple remote desktop connections

Microsoft has found a vulnerability in the Remote Desktop Connection Manager (RDCMan) application after detecting the CVE-2020-0765 vulnerability. If you are using this program, it is worth updating it to the latest version released on January 27, 2022 - v2.90


RDCMan manages multiple remote desktop connections. It is useful for managing server labs where you need regular access to each machine such as automated checkin systems and data centers.


The Menu

There are several top-level menus in RDCMan:

  • File - load, save, and close RDCMan file groups
  • Edit - add, remove, and edit the properties of servers and groups.
  • Session - connect, disconnect and log off sessions
  • View - options to control the visibility of the server tree, virtual groups and size of the client area
  • Remote Desktops - allows access to the groups and servers in a hierarchical fashion, similar to the server tree; primarily useful when the Server Tree is hidden
  • Tools - change application properties
  • Help - learn about RDCMan (you probably already found this)

The Tree

Most work, such as adding, removing, and editing servers and groups, can be accomplished via right-clicking on a tree node. Servers and groups can be moved using drag-and-drop.

Keyboard shortcuts:

  • Enter: Connect to selected server.
  • Shift+Enter: Connect to the selected server using the Connect As feature.
  • Delete: Remove selected server or group.
  • Shift+Delete: Remove selected server or group without question.
  • Alt+Enter: Open properties dialog for selected server or group.
  • Tab: If a connected server is selected, give it focus.

Use the [View.Server tree location] menu option to locate the tree at the left or right edge of the window.


Full Screen Mode

To work with a server in full screen mode, select the server to give it focus and press Ctrl+Alt+Break (this key is configurable, see Shortcut Keys.) To leave full screen mode, press Ctrl+Alt+Break again or use the minimize/restore buttons in the connection title bar. Multiple monitors can be spanned if enabled by the monitor spanning option.



Download Download Remote Desktop Connection Manager (519 KB)
Run now from Sysinternals Live.

Runs on:

  • Client: Windows 8.1 and higher.
  • Server: Windows Server 2012 and higher.


RDCMan retrieves policy information from the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\RDCMan registry key.

  • DisableLogOff - Create this DWORD value as non-zero to disable the log off command throughout RDCMan.

