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Export Ad User to CSV in PowerShell

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Get-AdUser cmdlet in active directory get one or more users from active directory based on search criteria and using filter conditions get ad users from the domainspecific OU. Using Export-CSV to export ad users to CSV file with all attributes in PowerShell.

Before creating reports, you must first figure out how to find the AD users you’d like to export Active Directory users to CSV. To do that, you’ll use the Get-ADUser cmdlet. The Get-ADUser cmdlet is a PowerShell cmdlet that comes with the PowerShell ActiveDirectory module.

Open a PowerShell console and run the Get-ADUser cmdlet using the Filter parameter and argument of *. Using an asterisk with the Filter parameter tells Get-ADUser to return all AD users. You’ll create more sophisticated filters a bit later.

Get-ADUser -Filter * - show all users in AD

By default, the Get-ADUser cmdlet will return the following properties:

  • DistinguishedName – The full LDAP name of the user object.
  • Enabled – Is the user enabled, true or false.
  • GivenName – The user’s first name.
  • Name – The user’s full name.
  • ObjectClass – The type of AD object this is.
  • ObjectGUID – The ID of the AD object.
  • SamAccountName – This was the login name up to Windows NT4.0
  • SID – Another type of Object ID.
  • Surname – The user’s last name.
  • UserPrincipalName – The user’s login name.

Limiting Searches to OUs with the SearchBase Parameter

AD users can be spread across sometimes dozens of organizational units (OUs). Sometimes, you need to limit the search to only a particular OU. To do that, you can use the SearchBase parameter. The SearchBase parameter allows you to specify a single OU as a starting point to search for users.

For example, perhaps you have an DOM-Users OU with various department OUs inside, as shown below. Inside the department OUs contains all of the user accounts you’d like to include in your export to CSV.

You can define the SearchBase argument as DOM-Users OU’s distinguished name (DN) like below to limit the search to the DOM-Users OU and all OUs inside.

Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=DOM-Users,DC=DOM,DC=local"

Export Ad Users Name to CSV

To export aduser name to CSV file, use Get-AdUser cmdlet in active directory with Filter parameter as below

Get-ADUser -Filter * | Select-Object Name | export-csv -path D:\Temp\export-usr.csv -NoTypeInformation

Export AdUser Email Addresses from Active Directory to Csv

Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties * | Select Name, EMailAddress,DisplayName | Export-Csv D:\adusers-export.csv -NoTypeInformation

Export Users from Active Directory OU to CSV

Organizational Unit (OU) is a container in the Active Directory containing users, computers, and groups.

Use Get-AdUser in PowerShell to export users from active directory OU to CSV file, as below

Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=HR,DC=SHELLPRO,DC=LOCAL" -Properties * | Select Name,EMailAddress,DisplayName | Export-Csv -Path D:\TEMP\export-usr.csv -NoTypeInformation

Export Enabled Ad Users to CSV

Active directory user Enabled property has either True or False value which decides aduser is enabled or not.

To export enabled ad users to CSV file, use Get-AdUser cmdlet as below

Get-ADUser -Filter * -Property * | Where-Object {$_.Enabled -like "True"} | Select Name, EmailAddress, DisplayName | Export-Csv -Path D:\TEMP\export-usr.csv -NoTypeInformation

In the above PowerShell script,

The first command gets adusers from the active directory and passes user objects to the second command.

Second command check Enabled status and select Name, EmailAddress, and DisplayName.

Using Export-Csv cmdlet in PowerShell, it export enabled ad users to CSV file.

Export User logon Name from Active Directory

To export user logon name, lastlogondate from active directory, use Get-AdUser cmdlet as below

Get-ADUser -Filter * -Property * | Where-Object {$_.Enabled -like "False"} | Select Name, EmailAddress, DisplayName,LastLogonDate,UserPrincipalName | Export-Csv -Path D:\TEMP\export-usr.csv -NoTypeInformation

Above PowerShell script, get ad user name, emailaddress, displayname, lastlogondate, and userprincipalname and export user logon name and last logon date to CSV file using Export-CSV.



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