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Powershell - Delete File

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Use Powershell to Delete File

Using PowerShell commnads to delete a file

    # Using PowerShell commnads to delete a file
    Remove-Item -Path "C:\test\TestFile.txt"

You can also use wildcard '*' characters to remove multiple items.

For example, this command removes all the files in C:\test:with .txt extension.

# Using PowerShell commnads to delete all file with .txt extension
Remove-Item -Path "C:\test\*.txt"

Here also you can use -Force command to delete all files from directory -Force

# Using PowerShell commnads to delete all file force fully
Remove-Item -Path "C:\test\*.*" -Force

Here also you can use -Force command to delete all files and folders -recurse

# Using PowerShell commnads to delete all file and folders
Remove-Item -Path "C:\test\*.*" -recurse
