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SAMBA new user

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Adding a user to SAMBA

We do it in two steps

1) add the user to the server LINUX / UNIX using the command useradd / adduser

2) The same user can be added to the samba server using the smbpasswd command.

Step 1 Add the user to Linux / Unix

Add the command line in the user's shell configuration file /etc/adduser.conf.

We can do this by using useradd

Enter the command line command

#aseradd karol

#passwd karol


adduser karol

Step 2 Add the user to the samba

New user connecting to the server to get to the Samba server must wear an additional password.

Add the password with the command:

#smbpasswd s karol

Step 3 Add the user to the shared Samba

By default, a newly established user has access to your home folder / home / charles.

If karol wants to have access to another foldru eg / data / accounts which is provided by the server SAMBA should he add such access.

Open the file /etc/samba/smb.conf and modify access to your account.
comment = Accounts data directory
path = / data / accounts
valid users = kinia test karol
public = no
writable = yes

After making the changes save the file

Step 4 restart samba server.

perform this command

#service smb restart


# /etc/init.d/smb Reload

From this point the user can log on to the SAMBA server to shared resources
