Manually uninstall your ESET product using the ESET uninstaller tool
- You have used the ESET Start Menu uninstaller and continue to have problems uninstalling or reinstalling your ESET product
- Your ESET product remains active after uninstallation
- Your uninstallation fails
Download the ESET Uninstaller and save it to your Desktop.
In Safe Mode open windows command prompt - CMD and run the program esetuninstaller.exe
- Read the warning - Are you sure you wish to continue? and type y to confirm
- Review the items listed under Installed ESET products. Type the numner that correspondes to the ESET installation that should be uninstalled and press the ENTER key
- Verify that you are uninstalling the correct ESET product from the operating system and type y to confirm
- After the end job press any key to exit