The Best

WMI Command-line Tool

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WMI Command-line Tool

The WMI Command-line (WMIC) tool provides a simple command-line interface to WMI. This allows you to use WMI to manage computers running Microsoft Windows. You can use WMIC from any computer running Windows XP Professional or an operating system in the Windows Server 2003 family to remotely manage any computer with WMI installed.

How Start WMIC in interactive mode

Start -> Run -> Type WMIC and click OK


Typing /? in the WMIC console will give you the same on-screen help you would get after typing:

wmic:root\cli> /?

wmic:root\cli> process /?

wmic:root\cli> /namespace:\\root\SMS\site_MSO

wmic:root\cli> PATH SMS_Collection
wmic:root\cli> PATH SMS_R_System.LastLogonUserName='PTHOMSEN'
wmic:root\cli> /namespace:\\root\cimv2


Example BIOS

WMIC BIOS Get Manufacturer
WMIC BIOS Get Manufacturer,Name,Version /Format:csv
WMIC BIOS Get Manufacturer,Name,Version /Format:list
WMIC BIOS Get /Format:list
WMIC BIOS Get Manufacturer,Name,Version /Format:htable

How save this output to HTML file:

WMIC /Output:bios.html BIOS Get Manufacturer,Name,Version /Format:htable
START "" "%CD%.\bios.html"

Network adapter - WMI queries return too much information.

WMIC Path Win32_NetworkAdapter Get




