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Komendy diagnostyczne fortigate

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Diagnostyczne polecenia używane do rozwiązywania problemów w urządzeniach FortiGate:

Diagnostyczne polecenia używane do rozwiązywania problemów w urządzeniach FortiGate


This section contains the following topics: exec tac report

get firewall iprope appctrl

get firewall iprope list

get firewall proute

get firewall shaper

get hardware memory

get hardware memory

get hardware nic

get hardware npu list

get hardware npu performance

get hardware npu status

get hardware status

get ips session

get router info kernel

get router info routing-table all

get system arp

get system auto-update status

get system auto-update versions

get system ha status

get system performance firewall

get system performance status

get system performance top

get system session-helper

get system session-info full-stat

get system session-info list

get system session-info ttl

get system startup-error-log

get system statusget test

get test urlfilter

get vpn ipsec stats crypto

get vpn ipsec tunnel details

get vpn ipsec tunnel summary

get vpn status ssl hw-acceleration-status

get vpn status ssl list

get webfilter ftgd-statistics

get webfilter status 
